Sunday, September 15, 2024


Aging doesn’t always feel good.  But it seems to bring wisdom and balance.  People are living longer as societies are getting grayer.

There really are some great things about aging.  I’m enjoying being 72 and 1/2 (except for a few recent and weird health issues)  (My mouth is about 90% better since August).

My favorite part of aging?  No alarm clock.  I’m no longer a morning person so I plan my life after 11:00 am.  Well, one day a week I get up at 7:00 am to take the boys to school.  Mom takes them two days and Dad takes them two days so I volunteered for Fridays.  They have this down to a science and after a nice breakfast we are out the door at 7:45.  Luckily I take Mr. 13 to the elementary school where Mr. 10 goes as he prefers to catch that bus to middle school because  it arrives 10-15 minutes early so he can socialize.  I do set a Friday alarm.

Being retired allows me to be grateful for even the small things in life.  No more rushing around to fight the traffic to get to work. I always leave early for appointments so if there is road work I don’t panic.  I enjoy the scenery along the way … even the Oregon rain. (Especially thankful for GPS in case my sightseeing causes me miss a turn, she simply reroutes me)(In a kind voice).  I have a handicap placard that often reserves a spot for me, if needed. (Two artificial knees)

My social friendships are more purposeful.  I no longer entertain and especially not more than 8 at a time.  Maybe this winter I will use our Clubhouse and kitchen and entertain a bit more.  One room is like a large living room with a gas fireplace and a buffet shelf for plugging in crockpots for soup and salad night.  Or sparkling wine and desserts.  Although now it will probably need to be daytime events since most of us no longer drive at night.

The WLLO Village is a perfect way to select a few friends and acquaintances to visit in person.  I’m still working my way out of being a Covid introvert.  I do quite a bit of volunteering with them as long as I’m not the person in charge.  It’s all volunteers and it’s hard to make them follow- up on their commitments.  We’ve had two hosts “forget” they signed up for a Zoom event so I’m thinking I will now need to remind them a day or two before.  IF they didn’t mark their calendar, I have them find their own replacement.

Grandsons.  Best thing about aging!  I’m on Facebook and I love when each day they show something I posted 5 or more years ago.  My 14 year old as a 2 year old playing golf with an upside down pink flowered cane on my patio.  The 10 year old being 18 months, playing in a bubble bath cheering “bubbles” over and over.  I’m so lucky to be able to have us all live together.  

And don’t forget Senior Discounts!  Even though the age requirement is much higher than when my parents were retired, it’s still a thrill to me to get 10% off groceries or something free when I order a fast food burger or salad.

In fact, there are several Ted Talks and articles about older people being happier.  Here’s an 11 minute version by psychologist Laura Carstensen:


  1. Glad things are going well for you, especially after the health issues this summer. As we age it's important to focus on the good stuff happening every day.

    1. It is easy to focus on the negative. So every once in a while, we have to point out the good stuff! My life is as busy as I choose these days. I do need to fit in a bit more people watching (and naming) like you do. Makes me feel like I'm there with you!



Happy Belated Valentines Day. I kept the boys company so the parents could enjoy a night away.  Granted, it was just the Guest Suite here on...