Sunday, September 8, 2024

Labor Day Weekend

I had my second root canal, tooth 13, fixed last Tuesday.  On Friday I got a toothache.  After hours on a holiday weekend.  Hmmm, can I keep it at bay til AFTER Labor Day.  No.  By Saturday my cheek was swollen and Aleve/Tylenol wasn’t keeping the pain in check.  My wonderful dentist came in at 11am to take a look.  He decided it was an infection at tooth 13.  He prescribed 14 days of Amoxocillin and Norco, a pain reliever.

(The spot above my left eyebrow was from dermatologist)

He said to give him a call if I didn’t feel some relief by Sunday. It was ten times worse on Labor Day so again, he met me.  By then I was feeling and seeing hard nodules in several places.  He had me double up on the pain pills (I decided I was so loopy I should write down WHEN I took what) and call the endodontist Tuesday morning.  (He wondered why I didn’t call him in the first place but since I wasn't sure WHICH tooth it was …)  The pain was much, much better but he had me come in for a check.  BIG infection that he had to lance and drain and it was almost immediate relief.  FINALLY on my way to recovery.  (Endo gave me his cell number for emergency)

I cancelled every appointment for my mouth until further notice.  Those teeth were so angry.  I cancelled every medical appointment for September.  I might just cancel October!!!

School started Tuesday for Deacon, grade 5.  So far he loves it EVEN homework and reading time!  Soccer is Mon, Tues and Sat for him.  Braeden didn’t start until Weds as they let the newbies wander around without people laughing at them (or whatever).

Kate’s new boss advised her NOT to work on Weds and Thurs due to high temps (she already has Friday off for paperwork.  Deacon’s school is closing tomorrow at 1pm due to heat/humidity.  Braeden’s school has a/c.

It's Saturday afternoon now. I no longer need pain pills but I take Aleve and Tylenol every day.  Still have a week's worth of antibiotics.

How did you spend YOUR Labor Day weekend??


  1. Wow! You've been through the ringer!!! I've never had anything remotely like you just went through. Glad your tooth is doing better.

    1. Better, but not 100%. Going to call Endo tomorrow to have imaging done on the hard spots. This is just ridiculous! Now I have thrush in my mouth. Rinsing with hydrogen peroxide several times a day. Time to put me on a floe and push me out to sea!



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