Sunday, January 19, 2025

The Good, The Bad and the WTF!

Sorry I totally forgot to post today until just now.

My reasons (excuses) are many and varied.  I womanned the virtual office three days (instead of two).  I've been playing with my sister and family since she is in town again.  Had a wicked case of IBS (actually missed pizza party with Sis and her fam and my fam). Then endured a face headache that wouldn't quit.

My dentist noticed a spot on the roof of my mouth last month when I came in for something else.  He surmised it was a hematoma probably poked with a food item.  I went back this past week and it has changed for the worse and he referred me to an ENT.

Risk factors (from Mayo Clinic Website) 
    Smoking or using smokeless tobacco
    Heavy alcohol consumption
    Poor dental hygiene
    HPV infection
    Advanced age
Only the last one applies to me
So sorry my mind has been elsewhere.  I'm always a worry wart but cancer in the mouth has taken two friends of mine in the past.

More next week.

P.S.  Aging is NOT for sissies


  1. Wow, I don't blame you for being a worry wart! Things going on inside my mouth would get to me too.

    1. I hate the wait and see. So I will research naturpathic treatments in the meantime. One friend had tonsil cancer and one had tongue cancer. The thought of the "C" word is scary in itself!

  2. That is worrisome, I hope everything turns out okay tho'.

    1. Fingers crossed but actively researching other ideas of help!



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