Sunday, January 26, 2025


This is an update to last week's Worry Wart blog about the roof of my mouth.

When I called on Tuesday to get an appointment with an ENT (referred by my dentist who noticed a hematoma on the roof of my mouth) the soonest they could fit me in was the end of March.  So I could enjoy more weeks of worry.  Fortunately for me, the next morning I got a call about a cancellation for Friday morning at 9:30 am.  YES!!

The doctor (now I have another "ologist" to add to my group, he's an otolaryngologist) did a very thorough ear exam, nose exam and finally my mouth.  He had a great personality (said he was required to follow the letters of his speciality "to the letter" due to his OCD ... Ear Nose Throat).  His opinion?  Most likely a hemangioma, a bruise of sorts.

Wait and see, observe and monitor.  Come back in three months.  He took a photo and will compare.  My dentist also has two photos taken one month apart.  And they will compare all.  Apparently a biopsy of the palate is pretty painful and slow healing and to be avoided if possible (kinda like the podiatrist saying don't get my bunions fixed until I am unable to walk at all!).

Monday I go to physical therapy to learn how to compensate for aging muscles.  My goal is to be able to get down on the floor and then get myself back up.  Alone.  So I don't have to shout "help I've fallen and I can't get up".  Mainly I want to feel comfortable taking myself on a walk.  I seem to totter these days and my posture needs some work.  I saw myself on our Ring camera while reviewing the tape ... and I thought WHO is that old lady?  Me.  Walking a bit hunched over and tottering to our front door.  Time to take some action.  I've got at least 20 more years (if I live through these next four) and no sense looking 90 if I'm not.



  1. Well, the Verdict is still Out then... but at least being closely monitored, which is good. And Yes, when I catch a fleeting glimpse of myself, I am somewhat unrecognizable to myself. *Winks*

    1. This is the hard part ... the wait and see. I'm going to look into some alternative medicine in the meantime. Might as well apply all potential fixes!

      Ugh. I do need to practice POSTURE!



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