Saturday, May 18, 2024

Annual Wellness Exam

This past week I went in for the Medicare Wellness exam.  So many things have been added since I went last year!  Instead of remembering three words, he gave me a name (first and last), street address, city and state.  Asked me 4 times during our visit.  On the last request for regurgitation, I got the first name wrong … but laughed and said I always got those two brothers mixed up.  Have I ever misplaced my keys? Normal. Were they found in an odd place (refrigerator, bathroom?) Not normal.

There were several strength tests besides “how hard can you squeeze my fingers”.  I had to press down hard on his hands, then up on his hands.  Same with my feet.  He now has a fancy stethoscope that sends data to his computer, including an EKG!

Without looking at the clock, I had to guesstimate the time of day.  Repeat the months of the year backwards.  Count down from 20.  How often do I visit the dentist?  Eye doctor?  Next stop, blood tests and bone scan.

The young phlebotomist informed me she was very new and asked for permission to take my blood.  Of course I said yes (she told me almost half of the patients have said no!) and she did the best job ever, no bruise!  Final stop, bone scan.

At the end of the day my results were on my portal and my Doc texted me for a video (7pm).  I now have osteoporosis in my spine and after discussion (my Mom had severe case and so does my younger sister).  I will start with a monthly dose of something in the Fosamax family.  In addition, my potassium levels were high (most people I know have LOW potassium).  I went in the next day to have it tested again and everything is normal.  In fact, all my labs are in the normal range (with the help of chemistry in some cases).

I feel like I take too many medications so we reviewed them all.  He deemed all were necessary, no interactions and no bad side effects.  He suggested a Covid booster and a tetanus shot.

“Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, but beautiful old people are works of art” 

-Eleanor Roosevelt


  1. I've got my yearly coming up soon and I'm glad to get a heads up on what Medicare Wellness Test is asking this year. I'll have to practice the backward months. The address is going to be hard for me. I've lived here for 2 1/2 years and I still don't know my street numbers.

    1. It was WAY harder than last one. Or maybe I worry about dementia more than I used to. I just hope I have enough savings to afford a place to go. A dear friend was diagnosed with dementia five years ago, moved to a care facility specializing with dementia patients and she died a few weeks ago. Aging is an awkward journey!



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