Sunday, November 24, 2024


Well, it became more than just a nasty cold with lots of coughing.

Tuesday was my scheduled semi-annual visit with my wonderful PCP.  We review my prescriptions (of which there are too many), he asks about past annoyances and current issues (usually none) and through out the 30 minutes, I coughed and coughed.  Apparently bronchitis and pneumonia are running rampant in Portland.

He talked me into a chest x-ray and wouldn't you know it!  Walking pneumonia.  Yes, I have had the pneumonia shot but he explained it's like a flu shot ... only good for a couple of types.  He prescribed a Zpack, five days of antibiotics.  By noon on Friday, I was remarkably better.  Still not much energy so this blog will be brief.

Here at the condo, the news spread and the Chair of the HOA texted she had been to urgent care TWICE and was still down and out, with coughing.  She finally got in to see her PCP, was also prescribed Zpack and it also worked for her.  She is in contact with almost all 112 homes here and told me more than 20 neighbors had bronchitis and/or pneumonia!

I wish you GOOD HEALTH and a Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. I'm so sorry! I hope you feel better soon. People here are coughing a lot too but I only heard of one person with pneumonia.

    1. Hooray! Feeling 100%. Although I do seem to catch everything (and always have) there was an article in the NYT about how prevalent Walking Pneumonia is right now.

  2. Oh boy. Hope you can rest up and recover fully. Olivia in the PNW

    1. Hi Olivia ~ Where in the PNW? I'm just south of Portland, Oregon. Thank goodness for antibiotics! Fortunately, I live a very restful life with my family doing everything. Although I am going to make my Mom's pumpkin pie recipe tomorrow!

    2. Oh hi! The Seattle area. Olivia


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