Sunday, August 25, 2024


This is probably not a very socially acceptable topic but I’ve noticed changes in myself over the last few years.  This is yet another reason I don’t travel well or share a room.  I’m definitely an old person now.  I have my little routines that are probably annoying to others.  Luckily I did a lot of traveling when I had my hubby with me. I’m just not into being away from the comforts of my itty bitty home.

I seem to toot more than I used to.  As I am mainly in my little room, I usually burn a candle to scent the air.  I also have two different scents of Mrs. Meyer air fresheners, Snowdrop and Rose.  And, of course the best of all … wooden matches!

Mr. Google provided a lot of information about flatulence or passing gas..  I’m going with age related!

    • Metabolic changes
      As people age, their metabolism slows down, which can slow down the movement of food through their colon and lead to more gas. 
    • Weakened sphincter muscles
      As people age, their sphincter muscles can weaken, making it harder to hold in gas. This can make gas more noticeable, especially in social situations. 
    • Decreased digestive enzyme production
      As people age, their bodies produce less lactase, the enzyme needed to digest dairy products. This can lead to more gas when eating dairy products like cheese and milk. 
    • Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth
      Older people are at a higher risk for developing small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, which can cause bloating and increased flatulence. 

Dairy doesn’t always agree with me so I’m glad there are fortified plant milks to choose from (I like oat)(yes, I have tried Lactaid products and tablets)(And Beano).  I have a hard time giving up broccoli and beans and other gas producing foods (hummus anyone?).  So I just have to deal with the aftermath.

I do use Benefiber and probiotics but can’t say that I notice any difference. 

Do you have this issue?  What do you do?  I’m just so embarrassed if someone has to use the toilet after me …..

1 comment:

  1. Thankfully, I don't have this problem. Knock on wood and I consume more dairy than an average person. Love the results of Benefiber. I can tell when I skip a day or two.



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