Saturday, July 6, 2024


Cheerfully smiling as I write.  

Here is some awkward news about our aging mouths. Maybe you’ve noticed some of these things. My research shows:

Aging can lead to a number of dental problems, including:
  • Tooth decay: Tooth decay becomes more common with age, affecting almost 100% of older adults.
  • Dry mouth: This is a common oral health issue in older adults.
  • Cavities: Bacteria in plaque can change food sugars and starches into acid that attacks tooth enamel. Cavities are more likely to develop at the root of the tooth in older adults because gums often recede. Dry mouth can also lead to cavities by making it easier for bacteria to build up.
  • Gum and periodontal disease: This inflammatory condition can cause swelling, bleeding, and tooth loss.
  • Dental erosion: This can lead to tooth loss, discomfort, and difficulty chewing.
  • Oral cancer: The chance of oral cancer increases with age and risk factors.
  • Bad breath
So far, no cavities for me. I go in three times a year for cleaning. Everything tends to stick to my teeth! And in between my teeth. I’m brushing and flossing all the time these days.

I do have dry mouth (also called xerostomia [zeer-o-STOE-me-uh] if you want to get fancy), which is when the salivary glands in the mouth don't make enough saliva to keep the mouth wet. Some medicines, like I take, seem to exacerbate this. 

I’m now one of those Grandmas who carry Werthers butterscotch candies (sugar free) on her person. It’s getting bad enough that I just ordered Biotine dry mouth lozenges to see if that lasts longer than candy. Mint flavored so at least I have a change of flavor.

Snacking on carrots or celery may also help, they say. Any products that contain xylitol can help reduce the risk for dental decay as well as dry mouth.

What have YOU noticed about your mouth as you are aging?  I'm grateful that I had dental insurance for many, many years.  That helped me have a good base for aging.  Now I just help send his kids to college!

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