I received the worst news in the most amazingly written email this week. I've volunteered with this person for the past five years. We have butted heads many times yet remain friends. They had the long lasting cough that started in Sept/Oct (and led to walking pneumonia for several of us). They resist going to doctors even though they heard that many were getting the 5 day antibiotic regime. I don't know when she did visit her Dr but other the past month she went to many doctors. Here is the outcome:
Dear Friends and Family,
You’re receiving this letter because my life is more joyful as you are or have been in it and for that I’m very grateful.
Unfortunately, I have some challenging news, and although it would be best, I don’t have the capacity to speak to each of you or keep you updated. Talking can sometimes exacerbate my cough. So please see this email as me reaching out to you with love and gratitude and asking you not to feel sorry for me, nor call me asking questions or to get updates. I will send updates when there is anything of significance, but other than that I simply want to continue to share joy with you as I am able and be grateful for the blessings I have.
I’ve recently been diagnosed with lung cancer. The prognosis without treatment is 4 – 6 months. The good news is there is a targeted treatment for my specific type of cancer. The additional good news is that if all goes as scheduled I will start my treatment this Friday (yesterday). It, the treatment, is a pill with generally less side effects than chemotherapy. If it works it can extend my life expectancy to a year, or two, and in rare occasions it has extended life for five years.
Until I have a couple weeks on the treatment my days may be challenging and though you are special to me, the best way to communicate is by email or text and I will do my best to respond.
For those concerned about my Volunteer responsibilities, I have and will continue to work closely with (Chair) to make sure everything is covered and any training that needs to happen is taken care of. Hopefully my follow-thru will be back to normal soon.
For those of you involved in my end-of-life plans I have already spoken to my financial advisor and written to my attorney. I’m re-doing some of my plans to make it easier for you. There are some advantages to having a guestimate of your end date.
All my love.